Selasa, 11 November 2008

Monster Lv 35 - 40

From ;

1. [39] Antediluvian Ghoul, location ; Heroes Tomb^398 545

2. [40] Premolar General, location ; Jade Shattering Shore^629 844

3. [35] Undine Sibyl, location ; Orchis Serene Valley^560 569

4. [36] Bedrowned Undine, location ; Home Watching Coast^655 706

5. [36] Five Ethies Undine, location ; Lake of Feather^347 374

6. [37] Undine Regina, location ; Lake of Feather^347 374

7. [38] Protectorion AuricSquama, location ; Lake of Feather^352 380

8. [39] Mystical AuricPinna, location ; Lake of Feather^351 371

9. [40] Warcraft AuricPinna, location ; Lake of Feather^352 380

10. [36] HexWolven Berserker, location ; Home Watching Coast^626 718

11. [38] Salamander Princess, location ; Burning Prison Volcano^451 964

12. [39] Salamander Sybil, location ; Burning Prison Volcano^451 964

13. [35] TorGirn Prime, location ; Orchis Serene Valley^582 598
East of Orchis Serene Valley^582 550

14. [37] SnakeValley TerraWraith Prime, location ; Home Watching Coast^626 718

15. [35] AbandonFeme Araneid, location ; Orchis Serene Valley^582 598

16. [40] BloodThirst Hexaraneid Chief, location ; Shining Tide Woods^608 812

17. [35] Killer Pismire, location ; East Of Orchis Serene Valley^585 575

18. [36] TineSpike Auricfa, location ; Home Watching Coast^637 727 38
Mount of Lantern^669 777 30

19. [37] BloodThirst Auricfa, location ; Home Watching Coast^637 727 38
Mount of Lantern^669 777 30

20. [39] BeeHive Regina, location ; Home Watching Coast^637 727 38
Mount of Lantern^669 777 30

21. [36] LowerPalace Ghoul, location ; Heroes Tomb^403 540

22. [35] Skelwizen Hero, location ; Heroes Tomb^406 534

23. [36] Skelwizen Mariner, location ; Home Watching Coast^626 718

24. [37] Skelwizen General, location ; Green Shirt Tomb^397 555

25. [39] Skelwizen Pirate, location ; Jade Shattering Shore^637 816

26. [36] Sappare Ichthyoid, location ; Home Watching Coast^655 706

27. [37] Rancoreido Ghoul, location ; Heroes Tomb^402 543

28. [35] SaintLake Serpent, location ; Lake of Feather^351 371

29. [40] Overbearing Mech Crabbe, location ; Jade Shattering Shore^629 844

30. [39] Sage Tomb Stone, location ; Shining Tide Woods^608 812

31. [39] Griefiner Tomb Stone, location ; Shining Tide Woods^608 812

32. [38] Seaview Premolar Beast, location ; Jade Shattering Shore^637 816

33. [39] Nostalgia Premolar Beast, location ; Jade Shattering Shore^629 844

34. [35] Salamander Handmaiden, location ; Burning Prison Volcano^451 964

35. [35] Etherscout Pterodactyl, location ; East Of Orchis Serene Valley^585 549

36. [38] Voltreronic Vipent, location ; Lake of Sky^478 553

37. [38] PinnaFlop EidoFoxie, location ; Unworried Lake^278 369

38. [38] MistDive Voxvipent, location ; Lake of Sky^478 553

39. [40] EtherTransverse Pterodactyl, location ; Shining Tide Woods^624 818

40. [40] Cloudthrust Vipent Form, location ; City of EtherSword Suburb^439 855

41. [40] Evil HexLantern, location ; Valley of Chess Board^452 462

42. [37] Sappare Ichthyoid Prime, location ; Mount of Lantern^670 780 21

43. [38] GaintSnapper Piranha, location ; Endless Sea^671 822

44. [39] MegaOrifice Ichthyic, location ; Endless Sea^671 822

45. [40] Vampiric Thresher Negus, location ; Endless Sea^671 822

46. [39] CavalryCuirass ValiantGeneral, location ; Fishing Village^652 861

47. [35] Haggish - DepthStyx Geezer, location ; Orchis Serene Valley^524 522

48. [40] Guardian Tomb Stone, location ; Heroes Tomb^409 548

49. [39] DeepStyx TerraWraith, location ; Haunted Grotto^370 575

50. [40] DeepStyx TerraWraith Koradji, location ; Haunted Grotto^396 556

51. [40] DeepStyx TerraWraith General, location ; Haunted Grotto^409 564

52. [39] DeepStyx Myconem, location ; Haunted Grotto^388 580

53. [40] DeepStyx BurstFlare Mycon, location ; Haunted Grotto^396 577

54. [40] DeepStyx Salamander Beast, location ; Haunted Grotto^402 571

55. [38] DeepStyx Ghoul, location ; Haunted Grotto^444 568

56. [39] DeepStyx CadaverDemon, location ; Haunted Grotto^444 570

57. [40] DeepStyx Flamen, location ; Haunted Grotto^402 523

58. [39] DeepStyx of Photic, location ; Haunted Grotto^446 577

59. [40] Shade Eido, location ; Heroes Tomb^432 518

60. [35] Ching Ye Zhi, location ; Green Shirt Tomb^397 558

61. [38] TigerStripe Spiderlore Prime, location East Of Orchis Serene Valley^571 539

62. [40] Gnosis Hound, location ; 300 763, 321 746 Rare Pet

63. [40] Aves - Straggler Tripodia Fowl, location ; Jade Shattering Shore^623 841

64. [38] Spectre Guard, Haunted Grotto^428 584

65. [40] Rancor Force Rough Magician, location ; Mirror Lake Residence^445 560

66. [40] Rancor Force Rough Magician, location ; Mirror Lake Residence^445 560

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